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  • Friday, Feb 16th
    10:45 AM – 11:15 AM MST
    Preparing Teacher Candidates in Hard-to-staff Schools Through a Residency Model
    Location: Homestead 4
    Speaker and Main Contact: Teresa Petty, EdD – University of North Carolina at Charlotte
    Speaker: Scott P. Kissau, PhD (he/him/his) – University of North Carolina at Charlotte
    Speaker: Lan Kolano, Ph.D. – University of North Carolina at Charlotte
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    10:45 AM – 11:45 AM MST
    Improving the Student Teaching Experience Through Recruitment and Training of the Cooperating Teacher
    Location: Red Rock 9
    Speaker and Main Contact: Nicole Mishnick, EdD – Tarleton State University
    Contributor/Collaborator: Crystal D. Rose, PhD – Tarleton State University
    Contributor/Collaborator: Laura Brule, Ed.S – Texas Tech University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    10:45 AM – 11:45 AM MST
    Modeling Impactful Literacy Pedagogy Through Inquiry
    Location: Red Rock 3
    Speaker and Main Contact: Lisa H. Bennett, PhD – California State University, Fresno
    Contributor/Collaborator: Rosalia Avendano – California State University, Fresno
    Contributor/Collaborator: Vanessa Guillen – California State University, Fresno
    Contributor/Collaborator: Valerie Lopez – California State University, Fresno
    Contributor/Collaborator: Ashley Moreno – California State University, Fresno
    Contributor/Collaborator: Kelly Munyon, RLLSC (she/her/hers) – California State University, Fresno
    Contributor/Collaborator: Mandy R. Pelichowski (she/her/hers) – California State University, Fresno
    Contributor/Collaborator: Valeria Quintero – California State University, Fresno
    Contributor/Collaborator: Alyssa Rodriguez – California State University, Fresno
    Contributor/Collaborator: Sandra Romero – California State University, Fresno
    Contributor/Collaborator: Amanda Ridenour – California State University, Fresno
    Contributor/Collaborator: Chantal Skinner – California State University, Fresno
    Contributor/Collaborator: Katie Sorensen – California State University, Fresno
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    10:45 AM – 11:45 AM MST
    Reworking Pre-service Teacher Workloads: Reimagining Internship Assessments, Structures and Routines in a Post COVID-19 Landscape
    Location: Valley 2
    Speaker and Main Contact: Tracy C. Dunheimer, M.S. – University of Maryland College Park
    Contributor/Collaborator: Brooke Dalesio, M.S. – University of Maryland College Park
    Contributor/Collaborator: Deborah Lewin, MA – University of Maryland College Park
    Contributor/Collaborator: Karen Rehder, M.S. – University of Maryland College Park
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    11:00 AM – 11:20 AM MST
    Moving Beyond the edTPA: The Teaching for Equity Project as an Alternative Social-justice Certification Assessment
    Location: Homestead 3
    Speaker and Main Contact: Carol Adams – Seattle University
    Speaker: Shane J. Pisani, Ph.D. – Seattle University
    Speaker: Ana M. Rivero, PhD (she/her/hers) – Seattle University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    11:00 AM – 12:00 PM MST
    Closing the Revolving Door: How Providing Multi-layered Support Can Increase Novice Teacher Retention
    Location: Willow Lake 5
    Speaker and Main Contact: Amanda Merritt, EdD – Southern Regional Education Board
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    11:00 AM – 12:00 PM MST
    Developing Year-long Paid Teacher Residencies in the Alternative Licensure Space
    Location: Red Rock 5
    Speaker and Main Contact: Karen DeMoss – Prepared To Teach
    Speaker: Jesse Chenven, Ph.D. – Central New Mexico Community College
    Speaker: Saasha Lambson – New Mexico Highlands University
    Speaker: Sandra Rodriguez, PhD – Northern New Mexico College
    Speaker: ElizaBeth K. Utley, M.A. – San Juan College
    Speaker: Reid Wessels, M.A. – New Mexico Public Education Department
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    11:00 AM – 12:00 PM MST
    Integrating the Science of Learning and Development (SoLD) into Registered Teaching Apprenticeships
    Location: Summit 6
    Speaker and Main Contact: Ryan Saunders – Learning Policy Institute
    Speaker: Amelia A. Brown, Ph.D. – University of Tennessee
    Speaker: Cindy Gutierrez – University of Colorado Denver
    Speaker: Susan Keesey, PhD – Western Kentucky University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    11:00 AM – 12:00 PM MST
    Learning Together: Creating Innovation Through Dialogue Between Traditional and Alternative Teacher Preparation Leaders
    Location: Red Rock 2
    Speaker and Main Contact: Suzanne Arnold, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Colorado Denver, ASPIRE to Teach
    Speaker: Jennifer Fox, Ph.D. – University of Colorado Denver
    Speaker: Julia C. Kantor, Ph.D. – University of Colorado Denver
    Speaker: Evan McClintock – University of Colorado Denver
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    11:00 AM – 12:00 PM MST
    Preparing Future Leaders by Way of a Yearlong Residency Program- the LEADERS Project
    Location: Willow Lake 4
    Speaker and Main Contact: Beverly Sande, Ph.D. – Prairie View A&M University
    Speaker: Charlotte Fontenot, Ed.D. – Prairie View A & M University
    Speaker: Patricia H. Miller, Ph.D. – Prairie View A&M University
    Speaker: Gwendolyn C. Webb, Ed.D. – Texas A&M University
    Speaker: Christin Bryant, M Ed (she/her/hers) – Prairie View A&M University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    11:00 AM – 12:00 PM MST
    To Listen Is to Learn: Lessons from a Statewide Apprenticeship Task Force
    Location: Red Rock 4
    Speaker and Main Contact: Lori Dassa, EdD – University of Florida
    Speaker: Tara Mathien, Ed.D. – University of Florida
    Speaker: Tina Smith-Bonahue, Ph.D. – University of Florida
    Speaker: Elayne Colón, PhD – University of Florida
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    11:00 AM – 12:00 PM MST
    What Do We Do About ChatGPT? Uses of AI in Teacher Education
    Location: Willow Lake 3
    Speaker and Main Contact: Viviana Alexandrowicz, Ph.D. – University of San Diego
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    11:30 AM – 11:50 AM MST
    Facilitating the Development and Monitoring of Non-academic Qualities: Critical Dispositions and Professional Identity
    Location: Homestead 2
    Speaker and Main Contact: Sherry Dismuke – Boise State University
    Speaker: Jennifer L. Snow, PhD (she/her/hers) – Boise State University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    11:30 AM – 12:00 PM MST
    Beginning Teacher Candidates Perceptions of Mixed Reality Simulation
    Location: Homestead 4
    Speaker and Main Contact: Ie May Freeman, Ed.D. (she/her/hers) – Azusa Pacific University
    Contributor/Collaborator: HeeKap Lee, PhD (he/him/his) – Azusa Pacific University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    11:30 AM – 12:00 PM MST
    Fight, Flight, Freeze: Using a Dyslexia Simulation to Prepare Future Teachers
    Location: Homestead 4
    Speaker and Main Contact: Carolyn L. Carlson, PhD, J.D. (she/her/hers) – Washburn University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    12:00 PM – 1:00 PM MST
    (FR40)Stories from the Trail: Harness Checks as a Means to Support Pre-service Special Educators
    Location: Aurora Pre-function A
    Speaker and Main Contact: Danielle Lane, PhD – Western Oregon University
    Speaker: Shari L. Hopkins, PhD (she/her/hers) – Western Oregon University
    Speaker: Katrina A. Hovey, PhD – Western Oregon University
    Author (not presenting): Mark C. Robertson – University of Western States
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    12:00 PM – 1:00 PM MST
    (FR43)Advancing Innovation in Education: Year Two Data on a Pipeline Initiative for Underrepresented Students
    Location: Aurora Pre-function A
    Speaker and Main Contact: Corine M. Brown, PhD – Rowan University
    Speaker: Elisa M. Di Lolle, Ed.D. – Rowan University
    Speaker: Stacey Leftwich, Ph.D. – Rowan University
    Contributor/Collaborator: Gaetane Jean-Marie, Ph.D. – Rowan University
    Author (not presenting): Kauser Jahan, Ph.D. – Rowan University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    12:00 PM – 1:00 PM MST
    (FR45)Rights, Responsibilities, and Resources: Pre-service Teachers' Perspective on Data Privacy in Post Pandemic Classrooms
    Location: Aurora Pre-function A
    Speaker and Main Contact: Cachanda Orellana, MEd (she/her/hers) – Trinity Washington University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    12:00 PM – 1:00 PM MST
    (FR46)A Culturally Sustaining Approach to Clinical Supervision for Preservice Educators
    Location: Aurora Pre-function A
    Speaker and Main Contact: Marie A. LeJeune, PhD (she/her/hers) – Western Oregon University
    Speaker: Jessica Dougherty – Western Oregon University
    Speaker: Mandy S. Olsen, Ph.D. – Western Oregon University
    Speaker: Micah Walker, MSED – Western Oregon University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    12:00 PM – 1:00 PM MST
    (FR50)Broadening the Network: Supporting Teacher Preparation Institutions to Support Teachers
    Location: Aurora Pre-function A
    Speaker and Main Contact: Andrea Thyrring, Ph.D. – Metropolitan State University of Denver
    Speaker: Kathryn Young, PhD (she/her/hers) – Metropolitan State University of Denver
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    12:00 PM – 1:00 PM MST
    (FR51)Come Together Now: Discover and Discuss a Successful Coteaching for Els Regional Professional Development Initiative
    Location: Aurora Pre-function A
    Speaker and Main Contact: Debra Cole, PhD – University of Missouri Saint Louis
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    3:00 PM – 3:30 PM MST
    Elevating Technology Integration in Inclusive Classrooms with One Teach-one Tech: A Co-teaching Strategy
    Location: Homestead 4
    Speaker and Main Contact: Alicia M. Drelick, Ed.D. – Rowan University
    Speaker: Michelle Damiani, PhD (she/her/hers) – Rowan University
    Speaker: Brent Elder, Ph.D. – Rowan University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    3:00 PM – 3:30 PM MST
    Enhancing Early Career Teachers' Mathematical Knowledge for Effective Instruction
    Location: Homestead 4
    Speaker and Main Contact: Nicole M. Coppola, MsEd – University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    3:00 PM – 3:30 PM MST
    What Is the Reality of Propelling the Teaching Profession Toward the Science of Reading?
    Location: Homestead 4
    Speaker and Main Contact: Vicki L. Piquette, Ed.D – Colorado State University-Pueblo
    Speaker: Leslie L. Sharp – University of Arkansas at Little Rock
    Speaker: Stephanie Stollar, Ph.D., M.Ed. – Mount Saint Joseph University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    3:15 PM – 4:15 PM MST
    Analyzing Data from Simulated Teaching Experiences to Support Teachers’ Learning of Ambitious Teaching Practices
    Location: Summit 9
    Speaker and Main Contact: Jamie N. Mikeska, PhD – ETS
    Speaker: Devon Kinsey, MS – ETS
    Author (not presenting): Pamela S. Lottero-Perdue, Ph.D. – Towson University
    Author (not presenting): Calli Shekell, Ph.D. – Thiel College
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    3:15 PM – 4:15 PM MST
    ASU Teaching Fellows: An Innovative Approach to Undergraduate Grow Your Own Programs
    Location: Red Rock 9
    Speaker and Main Contact: Carlyn Ludlow, EdD (she/her/hers) – Arizona State University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    3:15 PM – 4:15 PM MST
    How to Foster Authentic Partnerships During Program Redesign Work
    Location: Willow Lake 4
    Speaker and Main Contact: Beverly Sande, Ph.D. – Prairie View A&M University
    Speaker: Britine Perkins, Ed.D. – Prairie View A&M University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    3:15 PM – 4:15 PM MST
    Impact of Teacher Induction Programs on First-year Special Educators' Efficacy and Effectiveness
    Location: Summit 4
    Speaker and Main Contact: Laura Hedin, PhD (she/her/hers) – Northern Illinois University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    3:15 PM – 4:15 PM MST
    Non-carnegie-unit Online-asynchronous Competency-based Micro-credentialed Teacher Licensure Programs: One IHE’s Journey with ALL the Buzz-words
    Location: Summit 1
    Speaker and Main Contact: Rhea Carmon, M.S. (she/her/hers) – University of Tennessee
    Speaker: Amelia A. Brown, Ph.D. – University of Tennessee
    Speaker: David Cihak, PhD – University of Tennessee
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    3:15 PM – 4:15 PM MST
    Playing School: A Story of Transforming a Course to a Simulation to Foster Career Readiness
    Location: Willow Lake 3
    Speaker and Main Contact: Gretchen McAllister, PhD – Northern Arizona University
    Speaker: Robert Macias, M.A. – Northern Arizona University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    3:15 PM – 4:15 PM MST
    Strides and Refinements: Discussing Early Efforts Integrating Chatgpt into Teacher Preparation Courses
    Location: Red Rock 6
    Speaker and Main Contact: Michele Cudd, PhD (she/her/hers) – Morehead State University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    3:15 PM – 4:15 PM MST
    Using Motivation & Perception Data to Enhance Recruitment & Retention of Teacher Candidates
    Location: Red Rock 4
    Speaker and Main Contact: Robyn Ridgley, Ed.D. – Middle Tennessee State University
    Speaker: Eric Oslund, PhD – Middle Tennessee State University
    Speaker: Donald Snead – Middle Tennessee State University
    Contributor/Collaborator: Amy Elleman – Middle Tennessee State University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    4:00 PM – 4:20 PM MST
    Rise Up: Innovation in Interprofessional Programming to Create Lasting Impact on the Early Childhood Workforce
    Location: Homestead 3
    Speaker and Main Contact: Susan Sturm, PhD (she/her/hers) – Nazareth University
    Speaker: Lisa Hiley, Ph.D. – Nazareth University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Friday, Feb 16th
    4:00 PM – 4:30 PM MST
    Anatomy of a Micro-credential: A New Professional Development for Teacher Education
    Location: Homestead 4
    Speaker and Main Contact: Matthew Militello, Ph.D. – East Carolina University
    Speaker: Kristen Cuthrell, Ed.D. – East Carolina University
    Contributor/Collaborator: Lawrence Hodgkins, Ed.D. – East Carolina University
    Contributor/Collaborator: Carrie L. Morris, Ed.D. – East Carolina University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    9:00 AM – 9:30 AM MST
    Winston-Salem TEACH: An Inter-institutional Approach to Strengthening and Diversifying the Teacher Pipeline
    Location: Homestead 4
    Speaker and Main Contact: Kate R. Allman, PhD – Wake Forest University & Winston-Salem State University
    Speaker: Cynthia Williams Brown, PhD (she/her/hers) – Winston-Salem State University
    Speaker: Alan Brown, PhD – Wake Forest University
    Author (not presenting): Sheryl Long, Ph.D. – Meredith College
    Contributor/Collaborator: Alexandra B. Hoskins – Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools
    Contributor/Collaborator: Terri Collins, M.A. – Salem College
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    9:00 AM – 10:00 AM MST
    Co-constructing Pathways for a Sustainable Teacher Workforce: Addressing Needs Together
    Location: Red Rock 5
    Speaker and Main Contact: Benjamin R. Forsyth, PhD – University of Northern Iowa
    Speaker: Robin R. Dada, MEd, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Northern Iowa
    Speaker: Colleen S. Mulholland, Ed.D. (she/her/hers) – University of Northern Iowa
    Speaker: Kenneth Hayes, Ed.D. – University of Northern Iowa
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    9:00 AM – 10:00 AM MST
    Co-designing a Partnership-based, Sustainable Residency Model to Impact the Hispanic Teacher Pipeline
    Location: Red Rock 6
    Speaker and Main Contact: Erika Mein, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Texas at El Paso
    Speaker: Clifton Tanabe, PhD, J.D – University of Texas at El Paso
    Speaker: Juan I. Martinez, Ed.D. – Clint Independent School District
    Speaker: Mary Jennifer Parker, M.S. – Clint Independent School District
    Speaker: Christina Castanos, M.Ed. (she/her/hers) – Clint Independent School District
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    9:00 AM – 10:00 AM MST
    Competency-based Education: Transforming Educator Preparation
    Location: Red Rock 9
    Speaker and Main Contact: Verna J. Lowe, BA, MA, EdD – Western Governors University
    Speaker and Main Contact: Barbara Sunderman, Ed.D. – Western Governors University
    Speaker: Emily Bogus, EdD (ABD) (she/her/hers) – Western Governors University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    9:00 AM – 10:00 AM MST
    From Elmer's Glue to Gorilla Glue: Strengthening the Teacher Pipeline Through Transformational Partnerships
    Location: Valley 3
    Speaker and Main Contact: Amy Guillot, PhD – University of Houston-Victoria
    Speaker: Rachel A.R Martinez, Ed.D., EdD – University of Houston-Victoria
    Speaker: Jahnette Wilson, Ed.D. – University of Houston
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    9:00 AM – 10:00 AM MST
    Let's Go to the Replay: Preservice Teacher Development Using Simulation and Video Tagging Technology
    Location: Summit 1
    Speaker and Main Contact: Stephanie L. Mahfood, PhD – Webster University
    Speaker: Justine Callaway, M.A. (she/her/hers) – Webster University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    9:00 AM – 10:00 AM MST
    Partnerships with Field Placement Sites to Improve Trauma Informed & Equity Practices
    Location: Red Rock 10
    Speaker and Main Contact: Stacy R. Cook-LaPointe, MA (she/her/hers) – University of Colorado Denver
    Speaker: Dorothy Shapland Rodriguez, EdD (she/her/hers) – Metropolitan State University of Denver
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    9:00 AM – 10:00 AM MST
    Rethinking Teacher Preparation: Apprenticeship Models to Create Sustainability and Improve Teacher Quality
    Location: Red Rock 1
    Speaker and Main Contact: Susan Keesey, PhD – Western Kentucky University
    Speaker: Corinne M. Murphy, PhD (she/her/hers) – Western Kentucky University
    Speaker: Marguerita K. DeSander, PhD – Western Kentucky University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    9:00 AM – 10:00 AM MST
    Rural Educational Contexts as Sites for Teacher Education to Innovate Teaching and Learning
    Location: Willow Lake 3
    Speaker and Main Contact: Spencer Clark, PhD (he/him/his) – Kansas State University
    Speaker: Eileen Wertzberger – Kansas State University
    Speaker: Nooshin Darvishinia – Kansas State University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    9:00 AM – 10:00 AM MST
    Supporting Adjuncts: Communication, Collaboration, and Consideration
    Location: Willow Lake 2
    Speaker and Main Contact: Deborah E. Erickson, EdD (she/her/hers) – Point Loma Nazarene University
    Speaker: Michael Corke, Ph.D. – Point Loma Nazarene University
    Speaker: Rachelle Wong, Ed.D. – Point Loma Nazarene University
    Speaker: Jennifer L. Kritsch, PhD – Point Loma Nazarene University
    Contributor/Collaborator: Briana Martinez – Point Loma Nazarene University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    9:00 AM – 10:00 AM MST
    The Importance of International Partnerships to Propel Teaching into the Global Future
    Location: Red Rock 3
    Speaker and Main Contact: Shea Kerkhoff – University of Missouri Saint Louis
    Speaker: Alina Slapac, Ed.D. (she/her/hers) – University of Missouri Saint Louis
    Speaker: Michelle Falter – St. Norbert College
    Speaker: Wm. Matthew Reynolds – North Carolina State University
    Speaker: Sarah A. Coppersmith, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Missouri Saint Louis
    Speaker: Elizabeth A. Shaver – North Carolina State University
    Speaker: Alicia Whitley, MAT – North Carolina State University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    9:00 AM – 10:00 AM MST
    Utilizing Formative Feedback to Support Student Proficiency
    Location: Red Rock 11
    Speaker and Main Contact: Polly Manske, PhD – University of Wisconsin Stevens Point
    Contributor/Collaborator: Kristine M. Mickelson, Ph.D. – Morningside University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    9:00 AM – 10:00 AM MST
    What Teacher Educators Owe Democracy
    Location: Summit 6
    Speaker and Main Contact: Amanda O. Maher, Ph.D. – Eastern Michigan University
    Speaker: Brigid Beaubien, Ph.D. – Eastern Michigan University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    10:00 AM – 10:30 AM MST
    I Thought You Were Going to Teach Me How to Be a Teacher
    Location: Homestead 4
    Speaker and Main Contact: Mark A. McDermott, PhD Science Education – University of Iowa
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    12:00 PM – 1:00 PM MST
    (SA30)Promoting Teacher Leadership and Equity Through the National Board Process
    Location: Aurora Pre-function A
    Speaker and Main Contact: Laila J. Richman, PhD (she/her/hers) – Towson University
    Speaker: Elizabeth M. Singleton, PhD (she/her/hers) – College of Education, Towson University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    12:00 PM – 1:00 PM MST
    (SA31)Innovation in Action: How Passion and Purpose Impact Candidates of Color
    Location: Aurora Pre-function A
    Speaker and Main Contact: Kasey Johnson, EdD (she/her/hers) – Ottawa University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    12:00 PM – 1:00 PM MST
    (SA33)Progressive Partnerships: Collaborating to Address Educator Workforce Challenges
    Location: Aurora Pre-function A
    Speaker and Main Contact: Sara Skretta, Masters of Education Administration, Doctorate of Education, Professional Human Resources Certification, – College of Education & Human Sciences, University of Nebraska Lincoln
    Speaker: Don P. Johnson – University of Nebraska Lincoln
    Speaker: John Skretta, Ed.D. – Educational Service Unit #6
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    12:00 PM – 1:00 PM MST
    (SA42)Ripple Effect ED: Impacting Preservice Now, to Impact Student Achievement Later
    Location: Aurora Pre-function A
    Speaker and Main Contact: Cheryl R. Couch, EdD – York University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    12:00 PM – 1:00 PM MST
    (SA44)Preservice TPACK
    Location: Aurora Pre-function A
    Speaker and Main Contact: Guy Trainin, Ph.D. – University of Nebraska Lincoln
    Author (not presenting): Fitsum Abebe – University of Illinois
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    12:00 PM – 1:00 PM MST
    (SA47)Technology for Impact: Innovative Approaches in Preparing Teachers
    Location: Aurora Pre-function A
    Speaker and Main Contact: Krista Ruggles – Utah Valley University
    Speaker: Vessela Ilieva – Utah Valley University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    12:00 PM – 1:00 PM MST
    (SA48)Integrating Teacher Action Research into Accelerated Pathways
    Location: Aurora Pre-function A
    Speaker and Main Contact: Kristine M. Mickelson, Ph.D. – Morningside University
    Contributor/Collaborator: Polly Manske, PhD – University of Wisconsin Stevens Point
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    12:00 PM – 1:00 PM MST
    (SA49)Universal Design for Inquiry Approaches for Innovation: Case Stories of Curriculum Redesign in Higher Education
    Location: Aurora Pre-function A
    Speaker and Main Contact: Xiangyu Hu, M.S. (she/her/hers) – Lehigh University
    Speaker and Main Contact: Robson Araujo-Junior (he/him/his) – Lehigh University
    Contributor/Collaborator: Marsha Ariol – Lehigh University
    Contributor/Collaborator: Wanyi Hu – Lehigh University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    12:00 PM – 1:00 PM MST
    (SA52)Are We Addressing the Social and Emotional Needs of Teachers?
    Location: Aurora Pre-function A
    Speaker and Main Contact: Kevin R. Jones, EDD – University of West Alabama
    Speaker: Kimberly G. Griffith, Ph.D. – University of West Alabama
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    1:00 PM – 1:30 PM MST
    Fending off Fatigue: Strategizing How to Mitigate Burnout Among Pre-service Teacher Candidates
    Location: Homestead 4
    Speaker and Main Contact: Derek R. Riddle, PhD (he/him/his) – California State University, California
    Author (not presenting): Leona Calkins – California State University, Stanislaus
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    1:00 PM – 1:30 PM MST
    Practical Preparation: Focusing on Burnout and Stress-related Aspects of Teaching to Enhance Retention Efforts
    Location: Homestead 4
    Speaker and Main Contact: Vicki L. Luther, Ph.D. – Mercer University
    Speaker: Maria Peterson-Ahmad, PhD – Texas Woman's University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    1:00 PM – 2:00 PM MST
    Scaffolding Liberatory Practices in Preservice Teacher Education
    Location: Summit 4
    Speaker and Main Contact: Guy Trainin, Ph.D. – University of Nebraska Lincoln
    Speaker and Main Contact: Kimberley N. D'Adamo, EdD – University of Nebraska Lincoln
    Speaker: Tricia Gray, Ph.D. – University of Nebraska Lincoln
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    1:00 PM – 2:00 PM MST
    Shifting to Program-wide Practice-based Teacher Education: Why It's Worthwhile and How to Support Faculty
    Location: Summit 11
    Speaker and Main Contact: Jennifer L. Valerio, Ed.D. – University of Pennsylvania
    Speaker: Nicole Carl, EdD – University of Pennsylvania
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    1:30 PM – 1:50 PM MST
    Integrating Practice-based Teacher Education Pedagogies to Strengthen Candidates' Use of Learning Science in Instructional Decision-making
    Location: Homestead 3
    Speaker and Main Contact: Hilary Dack – University of North Carolina at Charlotte
    Speaker: Sandra L. Rogelberg, Ph.D. – University of North Carolina at Charlotte
    Speaker: Anne H. Cash, PhD – University of North Carolina at Charlotte
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    1:30 PM – 2:30 PM MST
    A Glimpse into University-based Induction: An Innovative Approach to the Role of Educator Preparation Providers
    Location: Red Rock 9
    Speaker and Main Contact: Ashlee A. Lewis, PhD (she/her/hers) – Research, Evaluation, and Measurement Center
    Speaker: Angela D.B. Adams – University of South Carolina
    Speaker: Nicole Skeen – University of South Carolina
    Speaker: Bryanna L. Montpeirous, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of South Carolina
    Author (not presenting): Rachel Garrison – Research, Evaluation, and Measurement Center
    Author (not presenting): Morgan Lee – University of South Carolina
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    1:30 PM – 2:30 PM MST
    Artificial Intelligence as a Tool for Social Justice Educators: Transforming Preservice and In-service Teacher Practice
    Location: Willow Lake 5
    Speaker and Main Contact: Jennifer M. Fergerson, MA (she/her/hers) – University of Missouri at Kansas City
    Speaker and Main Contact: Ryan K. Fitzpatrick, M.A. – Institute for Urban Education
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    1:30 PM – 2:30 PM MST
    Claiming Cultural Relevancy Without Discussing Hip-Hop? “You’re Blind, Baby! You’re Blind from the Facts!”
    Location: Red Rock 5
    Speaker and Main Contact: Kenya M. Overton, MS – University of Connecticut
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    1:30 PM – 2:30 PM MST
    Equity Centered Trauma Informed Teaching
    Location: Red Rock 6
    Speaker and Main Contact: Patricia S. Arter, Ed.D. – Winthrop University
    Speaker: Kathleen Arban, MSW LCSWC (she/her/hers) – Salisbury University
    Speaker: Dennis Dotterer – Winthrop Univeristy
    Speaker: Stacy P. Martin, EdD – Winthrop University
    Speaker: Sherry Hoyle, Ed.D. – Winthrop University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    1:30 PM – 2:30 PM MST
    Professional Learning to Support Innovative Pedagogies: Examining Teachers' Collaborative Video Analysis Processes and Refinements
    Location: Crest 3
    Speaker and Main Contact: Lisa K. Richardson, PhD – University of Alaska Southeast
    Speaker: Cathy Coulter, Ph.D. – University of Alaska Anchorage
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    1:30 PM – 2:30 PM MST
    Social and Emotional Learning at Middle and High School Levels - What Are Students Saying?
    Location: Red Rock 3
    Speaker and Main Contact: Rebecca A. Blahus, PhD – Frostburg University
    Speaker: Brittany R. Rhodes, MEd Curriculum & Instruction (she/her/hers) – Forsyth County Schools - Denmark High
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    1:30 PM – 2:30 PM MST
    Stewards of Place: Preparing Teachers for Rural Schools in Western Kansas
    Location: Red Rock 2
    Speaker and Main Contact: Paul Adams, PhD (he/him/his) – Fort Hays State University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    1:30 PM – 2:30 PM MST
    Teaching Apprenticeships: Innovation in Action
    Location: Red Rock 8
    Speaker and Main Contact: Lisa Barron, MM, MLS, EDS, EDD (she/her/hers) – Austin Peay State University
    Speaker: Prentice Chandler, Ph.D. – Austin Peay State University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    2:00 PM – 2:20 PM MST
    Digital vs. Traditional Clinical Observations: Innovation or Insufficient?
    Location: Homestead 3
    Speaker and Main Contact: Rebekah Louis – Stonehill College
    Speaker: Elizabeth Stringer Keefe, PhD – Stonehill College
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    2:00 PM – 2:20 PM MST
    Global Citizenship Education and the Development of Globally Competent Teacher Candidates
    Location: Homestead 2
    Speaker and Main Contact: Michael A. Kopish, PhD – Ohio University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    2:00 PM – 2:30 PM MST
    Educator Pipeline Collaborative: An Epic Approach to Grow Your Own
    Location: Homestead 4
    Speaker and Main Contact: Tim Frey, PhD (he/him/his) – Doane Unversity
    Speaker: Joshua McDowell – Crete Public Schools
    Contributor/Collaborator: John Skretta, Ed.D. – Educational Service Unit #6
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Saturday, Feb 17th
    2:00 PM – 2:30 PM MST
    Embedded Pre-service Teacher Learning in Face to Face and Virtual Peer Communities
    Location: Homestead 4
    Speaker and Main Contact: Margaret Peterson, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Maryland College Park
    Speaker and Main Contact: Loren Jones, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Maryland College Park
    Speaker: Shannon M. Kane, Ed.D. (she/her/hers) – University of Maryland College Park
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Sunday, Feb 18th
    9:00 AM – 9:20 AM MST
    Proactively Propelling Early Career Teachers to Thrive in Complex Times
    Location: Homestead 2
    Speaker and Main Contact: Kristina M. Valtierra, PhD – Colorado College
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Sunday, Feb 18th
    9:00 AM – 10:00 AM MST
    Addressing the Teacher Shortage…a New Model for University-based Mentoring
    Location: Willow Lake 4
    Speaker and Main Contact: Susan Brondyk, Ph.D. – Hope College
    Speaker: Sara Hoeve, Ph.D. – Hope College
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Sunday, Feb 18th
    9:00 AM – 10:00 AM MST
    Building Reflective Practices Through Simulation Design
    Location: Valley 2
    Speaker and Main Contact: Ken Spero, MBA – SchoolSims
    Speaker: Gretchen McAllister, PhD – Northern Arizona University
    Speaker: Hoda Harati – Towson University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Sunday, Feb 18th
    9:00 AM – 10:00 AM MST
    Centering Equity in Elementary STEM Preservice Education
    Location: Summit 9
    Speaker and Main Contact: Guy Trainin, Ph.D. – University of Nebraska Lincoln
    Speaker: Katie Johnson, MA – University of Nebraska Lincoln
    Contributor/Collaborator: Deepika Menon – University of Nebraska Lincoln
    Contributor/Collaborator: Amanda Thomas, Ph.D. – University of Nebraska Lincoln
    Contributor/Collaborator: Derek Cox – University of Nebraska Lincoln
    Author (not presenting): Deef Al Shorman, M.S. – University of Nebraska Lincoln
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Sunday, Feb 18th
    9:00 AM – 10:00 AM MST
    Propelling the Profession Forward: Addressing the Educator Shortage Through Innovative Residency Models
    Location: Crest 1 & 2
    Speaker and Main Contact: Emily E. Pottinger, PhD (she/her/hers) – Grand Canyon University
    Speaker and Main Contact: Julianne M. Brett, MEd – Grand Canyon University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Sunday, Feb 18th
    9:00 AM – 10:00 AM MST
    Sending Novice Teachers into a New (Inhospitable) World: Supports for New Teachers Wellbeing and Success
    Location: Summit 4
    Speaker and Main Contact: Kent Seidel, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Colorado Denver
    Author (not presenting): Julie Oxenford-OBrian, Ph.D. – University of Colorado Denver
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Sunday, Feb 18th
    9:00 AM – 10:00 AM MST
    Special Education Teacher Preparation: An Innovative Approach to Growing Your Own Special Educators
    Location: Willow Lake 5
    Speaker and Main Contact: Yojanna Cuenca-Carlino, PhD (she/her/hers) – Illinois State University
    Speaker: Derrek Drenckpohl, MA – Illinois State University
    Speaker: Allison M. Kroesch, Ed.D. – Illinois State University
    Speaker: Krystal Lewis-Pratl, Ed.D. (she/her/hers) – Illinois State University
    Speaker: Kate Peeples – Illinois State University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Sunday, Feb 18th
    9:00 AM – 10:00 AM MST
    Spurring Innovation at USC: Integrating the 4cs into Effective Preparation Models
    Location: Red Rock 8
    Speaker and Main Contact: Tria Grant, MEd (she/her/hers) – University of South Carolina
    Speaker: Alesha Daughtrey, M.A. – Mira Education
    Speaker: LaToya Thomas Adams – Dorchester School District Four
    Speaker: Deanna Taylor, EdD (she/her/hers) – University of South Carolina
    Contributor/Collaborator: Cindy Van Buren, PhD – University of South Carolina
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Sunday, Feb 18th
    9:00 AM – 10:00 AM MST
    Using Competency-based Education to Prepare Preservice Teachers for Blended and Online Environments
    Location: Summit 8
    Speaker and Main Contact: Adrie A. Koehler, PhD (she/her/hers) – Purdue University
    Speaker: Luke Bennett – Purdue University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Sunday, Feb 18th
    10:15 AM – 10:35 AM MST
    The Virginia New Teacher Support Program (VANTSP): Propelling Evidence-based Coaching into the Future
    Location: Homestead 2
    Speaker and Main Contact: Mary Beth Cancienne – James Madison University
    Speaker: Andrea Whittaker – James Madison University
    Speaker: Bryan S. Zugelder, EdD – James Madison University
    Speaker: Trina Spencer – Virginia State Universtiy
    Speaker: Jaclyn R. Nickel, M.S. – James Madison University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Sunday, Feb 18th
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM MST
    Accessible, Personalized, Transformative Pathways to Teacher Certification
    Location: Red Rock 8
    Speaker and Main Contact: Wendy Oakes, PhD (she/her/hers) – Arizona State University
    Speaker: Elizabeth L. Frias, PhD – Arizona State University
    Speaker: Nicole L. Thompson, Ph.D. – Arizona State University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Sunday, Feb 18th
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM MST
    Building a TPA That Cultivates a Habit of Assessment for Instructional Differentiation
    Location: Summit 7
    Speaker and Main Contact: Julie Kalnin, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Portland
    Speaker: Megan Gill – University of Portland
    Submitter Only: Joan E. Flora, Ed.D. – University of Portland
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Sunday, Feb 18th
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM MST
    Building Missouri’s Home-grown Observation Instrument: A Story of Partnership and Accountability for Teacher Candidate Success
    Location: Red Rock 6
    Speaker and Main Contact: Shivasankalp Shivaprakash, MBA – University of Missouri
    Speaker: Bridget Murphy, M.A. – University of Missouri
    Speaker: Kimberley Nuetzmann, MA – University of Missouri Columbia
    Speaker: Rachel Enyart (she/her/hers) – University of Missouri - Columbia
    Contributor/Collaborator: Laurie Kingsley, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Missouri Columbia
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Sunday, Feb 18th
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM MST
    Closing the Gaps Between Reliability and Validity in Teacher Evaluation
    Location: Crest 1 & 2
    Speaker and Main Contact: Anabel Garza, MEd. Administration – Region 18 Education Service Center
    Contributor/Collaborator: Anabel Garza, M.Ed Administration – Region 18 Education Service Center
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Sunday, Feb 18th
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM MST
    Elevating District Partnerships to Implement High Quality Instructional Materials Within a Tennessee Educator Preparation Provider
    Location: Red Rock 4
    Speaker and Main Contact: Annie Insana, PhD – Belmont University
    Speaker: Rachael A. Flynn, PhD (she/her/hers) – Belmont University
    Speaker: Kendra M. Bush – Metro Nashville Public Schools
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Sunday, Feb 18th
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM MST
    Making Teaching Visible: Using Art Centered Learning in Elementary Teacher Education
    Location: Red Rock 1
    Speaker and Main Contact: Guy Trainin, Ph.D. – University of Nebraska Lincoln
    Speaker: Kimberley N. D'Adamo, EdD – University of Nebraska Lincoln
    Author (not presenting): HyeonJin Yoon – University of Nebraska Lincoln
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Sunday, Feb 18th
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM MST
    'Nothing About Us Without Us:' Redefining Radical Reciprocity in Community-engaged Teacher Preparation
    Location: Valley 3
    Speaker and Main Contact: Eva M. Zygmunt, Ph.D. – Ball State University
    Speaker: Wilisha Scaife – Ball State University
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact
  • Sunday, Feb 18th
    10:45 AM – 11:15 AM MST
    Devils and Details, Lessons and Logistics: Making District HR / EPP Collaborations Work
    Location: Homestead 4
    Speaker and Main Contact: Daniel G. DeCelles – University of Colorado Colorado Springs
    Speaker: Katie Anderson-Pence, Ph.D. – University of Colorado Colorado Springs
    Speaker: Grant Clayton – University of Colorado Colorado Springs
    Contributor/Collaborator: Stephanie A. Curtis, M.A. – Calhan School District / TASCC LLC
    Strand I: Advancing Innovation & Impact